New Boats, New Home, New Future.
During the month of June, Palm Beach Crew became a renowned hub for newcomers looking for a sport in North Palm Beach. At our National Learn to Row Day, over 10 new prospects were delighted to see that they have finally found a sport that they could potentially continue in the Fall of 2019. Palm Beach Crew held the Learn to Row Day at our new site at Anchorage Park in North Palm Beach, Fl. Following that, they had a Novice Rowing Camp, where novice rowers were taken under the wing by varsity rowers.
Palm Beach Crew also conducted Open Rows following the camps. These had extremely beneficial turnouts with over 20 kids, both new and returning, coming out to row at the new site at Anchorage Park. The Open Row was exciting, informative, and promising for the next generation of Palm Beach Crew's leaders. So far, the camps conducted were all successful, and we remain optimistic for the camps that follow! If you want to schedule a summer camp, please click the button below to join.