Become a sponsor.
Thank you for donating or sponsoring to Palm Beach Crew. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. When you are filling out the form below, please keep in mind that there will be an option to chose whether you want to sponsor or just donate to the team. If you want to sponsor the team, please refer to the sponsorship category page by clicking the button below:
Please fill out the form below.
Note: This form is only sent to Palm Beach Crew's treasurer.
Sponsorship Categories
At Palm Beach Crew, we like to offer our sponsors opportunities to put their company's name on places other than the team website. From putting your company's name on a boat, being put on flyers, Palm Beach Crew really offers a great return of investment in terms of public relations for your company. Below are the benefits that you can use for each category of donation:
$10,000+ - Henley Platinum Sponsor
Company name on an eight
Prominent display of company logo on Palm Beach Crew's Team App and website
Exhibitor table space at home regattas to share your company's information
Full page and full color advertisement on any PBC official program
$5,000 - Head of the Charles Gold Sponsor
Company name on a quad
Prominent display of company logo on Palm Beach Crew's Team App and website
Half page and full color advertisement on any PBC official program
$2,500 - Head of the Hooch Silver Sponsor
Company name on a double
Prominent display of company logo on Palm Beach Crew's Team App and website
Quarter page and full color advertisement on our website
$1,000 - Head of the Giblet Bronze Sponsor
Company name on a single
Prominent display of company logo on Palm Beach Crew's Team App and website
Small, full color advertisement on our website
$500 - PBC Friends Sponsor
Contribution will be used to fund team necessities or a new set of oars